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A secure An effective A user-friendly
communication platform

A digital postbox can form an essential part of a Customer Communication Management system where users are verified, and communication is sent within a secure system.

559 million

documents were sent through the e-Boks platform in 2023


documents are sent through the e-Boks platform each hour


invoices for payment sent through the e-Boks Platform each day


signed documents in the e-Boks Platform each month

By using e-Boks’ digital postbox platform, we guarantee that your customers receive legitimate messages. No risk of spam. No phishing attempts. No paper wasted. The e-Boks digital postbox platform comes with a set of standard features, but it is also customisable to your needs.

Platform features


Style and brand the platform to match your corporate visual identity and create your own organisational structures. 

Smart distribution

Send messages and documents with REST API or via your interface with no integration required.


Offer your users different ways of giving consent to receiving messages and documents from your organisation.

Two-factor authentication

The platform supports two-factor authentications. All verified data is received from an identity provider.

A hybrid cloud solution

The platform is offered in an AWS Hybrid Cloud Solution that helps your organisation integrate your on-premises and cloud operation.

100% GDPR compliance

The platform is GDPR and eIDAS compliant from a sender and reciever perspective.

Secure by design

We employ all the latest security technologies, principles and procedures to ensure that your digital post is protected.


Manage a handful of features such as message distribution and monitor key statistics on the platform.

Learn more about our platform

The e-Boks platform is secure by design and designed for all the ways your organisation works. We promise 100% GDPR compliance as well as 100% sender and receiver validation, guaranteeing that every user's privacy is protected, and every distribution is secure.

Seamless onboarding

It’s quick and easy to get started with the e-Boks platform. We will assist you throughout the onboarding and setup process. 

Flexible registration

The solution is built on a privacy by design architecture and all the latest security technologies, principles and procedures. This ensures that the digital post is protected against the ever-increasing treats from state sponsored and criminal actors. 

Secure dispatch process

The document dispatch process is always based on SSN (social security number), a company registration ID or any user-specific ID to ensure maximum security.

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Want to know more?

Contact us

Elsa Flanagan

Assistant Principal, OGCIO, Ireland

"e-Boks has proven to be a great fit for our requirements in the Irish Government - they offer both a strong technical solution and the valuable experience of working with other governments on similar initiatives".

An intuitive, customisable platform

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  • Style and brand as you like 
  • Opt-in/opt-out feature offering
  • Create your own organisational structures 
  • Support for multiple legal, compliance, and security frameworks
  • Monitor key statistics
  • Easy API-integration

The e-Boks platform comes with a set of standard postbox features, but it is also customisable to your organisation's needs.
The intuitive interface makes it easy for your organisation to manage and monitor the platform.

Built-in security and compliance

Just as we have designed our platform to be simple and intuitive, we have designed it to be secure and meet your compliance requirements.

Our platform employs all the latest security technologies, principles and procedures to ensure that your digital post is protected against the ever-increasing threats from state-sponsored and criminal actors.

In 2019, our hybrid-cloud platform was found to be very secure against cyber attacks by one of Europe's leading security firms.

  • Defence in depth 
  • Data isolation
  • Multi-layered security 
  • Privacy by design

Secure distribution

Communicate via REST API 

CEF eDelivery

Edge-to-edge encryption of your digital post


100% GDPR compliant 

100% eIDAS compliant

True data ownership


Transaction transparency

Audit any actions

Role and privilege-based access control

Login And Identification

Login and identification

Ensure that only authorised persons can access your company’s information. 

Our platform integrates with the most modern eIDAS compliant eID components such as the Danish MitID and the Irish MyGovID. Together with the CEF eDelivery components, the e-Boks platform facilitates global business interoperability.



The e-Boks platform supports two factor authentication, identifying the user by their e-mail or mobile number. All verified data is received from an identity provider.

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